ICT in school, part 19: Finding apps for Ipad

Many schools buy iPads for teachers and students. iPads have preinstalled apps, but you´ll need to find other useful apps for your students. App stora has too many apps for just browsing around and hoping to find some useful apps. There are two main strategies to solve that problem.

1. When you find an app that is useful for your students, share it with other teachers. ”Sharing is caring!”

2. Use resources that collect, test and suggest useful apps. Share this resources as well with your colleagues.


Below are some useful resources for finding good apps! Alla links open in a new window in your browser. The first part is resources in Swedish, below are resources in english. All links are opened in a new tab/window.


Resources in Swedish:

Skolappar logo

Skolappar A Swedish site that tests and reviews apps and also describes the connection to the Swedish curriculum. Recommended!

Pappas appar logo 400

Pappas appar A site similar to skolappar. This site is suitable for preschool and parents.  Recommended!

Pedagog Stockholm

Pedagogstockholm has published a pdf (in swedish) from Stockholms skoldatatek containing apps for students with special needs.

skoldatatek logo

Skoldatateket Apps for children with special needs, but of course all kids can use them.


Facebookgroups (in swedish)

iPads in preschool and school 

ICT-tools Tips concerning ICT in general (not only apps)



Apps for schools


Pearltree Example of a pearltreesite 


Twitter Search for #iPad, #edtech or #app



Example of scoop.it-pages





Blogs about iPads/appar (in swedish)




Resources in english:

Pinterest A digital billboard. There are many boards with great ideas. One example.



Edudemic Edudemic is a very good site with lots of good posts about ICT and apps. Recommended! This specific subpage focus on apps in schools.


teachthought logo

Teachtought Teachtought has many posts worth reading. Recommended! This specific subpage focus on apps in schools.


Appitic logo

Appitic Lots of apps categorised by theme. Recommended! 


Apps in education A blog from Australia about apps. Have categorised apps by different subjects (math, english and so on). Also have a list of apps for kids with special needs.

iPads in education A site connecting teachers that works with iPads. Questions, discussions, ideas and so on.

Bridging apps Apps for kids with special needs.

Fun educational apps

Teachers with apps App reviews.

Smart apps for kids 

Youtube Links to movieclips from iPadagogy


Good Luck finding the best educational apps!


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