The theme of part 12 is how to present information in a visual way that is easy for students to grasp. They are usually called Infographics.
This is an example of how an Infographic may look. This one is created by Shihaam Donnelly and explains how CC (creative commons licenses) work.
As usual I expect the students to produce the infographics. You can show one example (there are lots of Infographics on Internet) and show the students what tools they can use to create one. The results can be reused in the future for new classes/younger students. Some more examples of what Infographics can look like.
A short movie on Vimeo that explains the value of visualizing data.
Many of the following programs are available in a limited free version, so try them out before you decide if you like the program or not. Of course you can create an Infographic in an ordinary drawing program as well. You do that by starting with a really big (colored) background. Then you add clipart, pics, text and whatever you want on your infographic. These tools are a much faster way to create an Infographic.
Different tools: My favourite. Works by drag´n drop. Have templates you can choose from. Free, but to unlock all content you have to pay.
Recommended! A great tool for making Infographics. Lots of options/pictures and handy movies explaining how it works. Here is a link to a film explaining what Visme is. Limited free version. Recommended! A free tool where you easily can create different kinds of charts, but clipart and pictures as well. Recommended! Create an account and use one of the available templates.
Piktochart Just create and start using this onlinetool. They have examples of what you can create, so just look at those and get inspired.
Google Charts can be used for instance to present data in real time on a site.
Statsilk Interactive maps.
Chartsbin Create interactive maps in your browser.
Simile Widgets An open-source project. You can choose between some different kinds of visualisation.
Creately Over 50 different kinds of charts.
Icharts Visualize data from excel sheets.
Tableau Visualise data from excel sheets. Info about how it works.
Venngage Analyse social media. A tool to create a visual CV.
Infoactive Create interactive infographics.
Wordclouds (part 4) and timelines (part 11) are other ways of visualizing information. Use the table of contents to get to those parts of the series ICT in schools.
Good luck!